Friday, April 4, 2014

FSU Logo Redesign: An Artist, Staff Member, and Alumna's Solution

The announcement brewed for weeks that there would be a change to our beloved Seminole logo to consolidate that ever shifty "garnet" color and to make some subtle changes.

Not sure what FSU Athletics thinks subtle means, but what they gave us was not it.

I have a unique position to complain:  I have two degrees from this university, one in design. I currently work for the university as an illustrator, animator, and designer and have been happily employed here for three years, having graduated with my masters in illustration from Johns Hopkins University. I've been on this campus for eight of the past ten years of my life and, dadgummit, I deserve better than a cheesy, shoddy mishandling of my beloved Seminole.
I flamed on Facebook until my face was red, then said enough is enough.  I had no right to complain as an artist, designer, and alumna if I couldn't find a better solution.

This post presents my solution.

While I had such a visceral reaction to the new design, there were elements that I agreed with: the text on the feather has never been easy to read or replicate, the color "garnet" means anything from apple red to Virginia Tech maroon, and the war paint does have that bacon-y feel to it.  Which really, isn't the worst.  Because bacon is awesome.

Let me be perfectly clear: my opinion is that our current FSU athletic logo should not be changed at all.  However, seeing as how the powers-that-be are bent on revision and we already received a bungled redesign, the images below show my proposed updates to the logo.  I will try to be as transparent as possible in what I changed, because it's pretty darn annoying to expect subtle and get, well, you know.

A side by side comparison of the current logo and my proposed updates:
For those fans of Highlights Magazine, look away and find the differences in the image above.  For the cheat sheet as to what I changed, see below:
My goal is to address the concerns released in the FSU Athletics statement on Thursday while also maintaining the traditional face of Florida State. Their statement on the Seminole Head reads:
"The issue was that our Seminole Head, while as recognizable and iconic as any in all of sports, does not reproduce well in a number of mediums. It is particularly difficult to embroider and impossible to accurately represent on some materials including at midfield at Doak Campbell Stadium."
To me, this clearly meant the feather. There was little consistency as to whether it said "Florida State" or "State" or nothing at all.  Also, those little barbs always annoyed me when I tried to make the logo out of construction paper.  Cause, you know, dorm decorating contests.

Here is how my proposed update compares with the design leaked by Tomahawk Nation:

To quote the FSU Athletics letter again:
"We tasked Nike for help in refining the logo so that consistency can be achieved without diminishing the identity of the iconic image"
Yeah, you...did not succeed.  I'm not sure who at Nike illustrated this logo or whether they're an FSU alumnus.  Dollars to donuts they're not.  The identity of the face was lost entirely.  There's a story to that.  Many of us know it and love it and yes, we did notice you changed it. [Edit 4.4.14, 6:44PM The illustrator apparently did not use Tommy Wright as the original face reference.   He does admit though that the design migrated to a new profile since his original sketch (probably to incorporate Mr. Wright's striking features), I give full concept credit to the original illustrator, John Roberge, who worked in the FSU print shop in the early 1970's.]

The improved feather is nice and seems to be the exact one Nike used on the side of the men's basketball uniform redesign in the early 2000's.  However, it was lazily slapped on straight across the circle, completely ignoring the circular flow of the profile, hair, and outer border.  The designer seems to have kept it as straight and tall as a basketball player.  Have you seen them?  They're not circular at all.  I amended this by curving the same design to follow the circle, allowing only his hair to break the circular design element on the bottom left.

I also noticed the teeny tiny interlocking FSU logo in the headdress and promptly removed it.  Not sure what embroidery machine was going to get that on a polo (which is the reason we're changing this logo at all...right?), but it reeks of the same issues that the feather barbs had on the old design.

So, here it is, my take on this logo update business.

Use this logo idea or don't, there are a good number of other improved designs floating around the internet. But I strongly urge FSU Athletics to consider my critiques of the new logo as I come from the unique perspective of not only being a designer and artist, but an alumna of the University.  I know that I am not alone in my opinion that the new logo is unacceptable and that the old one didn't need to be changed anyway.  We feel deceived by FSU Athletics in a year where everything is supposed to be about celebrating a tradition of excellence, a National Championship year.  We're not looking for identity, I think we're pretty dadgum sure who we are as True Seminoles.


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Unknown said...

Very nicely done. Like you, I prefer no change at all. But the University is looking to make money off of a new design and that is the goal here, not preserving tradition.

Unknown said...

Please share this everywhere. Put flyers all over campus if you have to. Great job

Nancy6841 said...

Great job

D' LaRue said...

I approve. Well done.

DI said...

Love it! Why mock our national champs we are so proud of with a wayne newton logo!?! Thanks for being proactive! Great work!

nolesgrad85 said...

Well done and MUCH better than the ridiculous one about to roll out! Yours actually addresses the issues with this specific logo - hope yours gets seen by the powers that be before they officially unveil that awful new one.

Nolegirl8911 said...

SO MUCH BETTER! If they insist on changing it they should seriously consider a move like this. I understand the desire to change the feather, but why did they have to make the face completely different?! This version seems to have corrected the bacon cheeks and all the other issues without losing the integrity of the original design.

TdogFSU said...

Please send this over to Elizabeth Maryanski, VP University Relations!

Unknown said...

Its all about tradition. but just consider if the proposed logo had been the one we were used to seeing for decades...and the old one was proposed as would be ridiculed without which is more important? aesthetics or tradition? the same could be said with many college and NFL logos. I think the author found a good middle ground. However I do like the feather breaking through the circle...the Elvis hair? not so much. A FSU dad

Unknown said...

Please contact someone at FSU athletics and propose your logo changes. This revision is so much better. It would be in the college's best interest to change from that proposed one if they want to sell any merchandise.

Unknown said...

Fantastic Job

Unknown said...

Great job modifying the logo to keep tradition but pull in a more "modern" look. Good grief their proposed drawing looks like something out of a Marvel comic book. This needs to go in front of the bigwigs...agreed that they're going to have a tough time selling any merchandise with their proposed logo impostor! :)

lou.mcerlean said...


You did a masterful job, and I SO wish my alma mater would use your mark instead of what they're apparently going to use.

I worked with SME Design ( years ago to develop identities for High Schools, and one of the principals there educated me about identities/marks, and one of the key litmus tests for a good design was whether it could be embroidered easily/efficiently/effectively. As you correctly pointed out, the feather detail in the current FSU Seminole Head mark was far too complex to embroider well and your revisions fixed it.

Too bad FSU admins don't understand the concept of throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Unknown said...

Nicely done. I posted a link to your blog on my FB page along with my brief commentary. Thanks for your fine work.

BK said...

So much better than what they came up with! This is what I was thinking it would look like when they said they were making "slight" changes.

Unknown said...

The only issue is the "traditional seminole" profile is the profile of a white guy from new york

Unknown said...

Excellent job, Ms. Slade! I wish FSU had asked you to do the redesign... I could have lived with this version.

LellaGirl123 said...

Very nicely done and well-said! I can truly appreciate their replication issues with the traditional icon. That said, from a marketing standpoint, you change a team's logo and identity in *hard*/*low* times, not in good times!! And you certainly hold proper focus groups ... which in this case, would consist of ACTUAL FSU students, fans, alumni, & employees! Is there a way we can make our voice heard in such a way that would affect some actual positive change??

Unknown said...

I agree with your redesign, especially since it is a "redesign" not a total over haul. I like the new logo's feather though. I think the garnet and gold feather would look really nice oriented the way you have yours. Otherwise good job. I do like that the new logo looks younger. Thank you!

Unknown said...

I approve of this design.

Unknown said...

This is awesome great job, is there anything we can do as fans dont we have a voice whoever created it did it in 5 min its awful

Unknown said...

Jodi -

You've got to get in contact with the University on this. Take one for the team and all Noles and give them this logo to use and fix this mess. You may not profit financially but you'll always be the one who saved us from this debacle.

Mike Safar said...

Excellent job! I nominate your logo.

Unknown said...

Good job! I definitely approve!

Unknown said...

Nicely done. I shared your thoughts - the new logo is not aesthetically pleasing with the feather sticking out. It looks like a Q. This is getting an unconscious reaction against the logo. I think they could have simply cleaned up the old logo which is what you have proposed. The problem is that Nike is involved and they have undoubtedly already produced so many things with this logo on it that the school will not go back on it even if they wanted to. It's rather ironic that they wanted a logo easier to replicate in order to sell more merchandise and that this logo is going to sell less.

courtney elyse said...

This is so well done. I actually do like your face better than the original even. It did need updating and help with making sure it could be reprinted, etc, but certainly you've perfectly illustrated that can be done while maintaining the familiarity of one of the most legendary and recognizable logos in college football! I'd buy your logo any day. Maybe you can sell your own? :)

Amy Fielding said...

Excellent work. Thanks for doing this. I hope they listen!

dpaasch said...

i agree with some aspects of your design and disagree with others. Firstly, i agree there is no reason for the "FSU" logo on the headdress. However, i disagree with curving the feather. To my knowledge, feathers are not naturally curved so it seems odd to me to do it for a logo. As for the face profile, i would like to see it more closely resemble the real Chief Osceola's. Finally, the war paint on the logo should resemble the war paint on our Chief Osceola. If only i was a graphic designer...

Unknown said...

This is the logo redesign for FSU, thank you Jodi for changing your outrage to a solution!

Anonymous said...

I, too, want NO CHANGE! I love the feather as is--in fact, what I like is that it is subtle- you have to look at it to know it says "Florida State". To me, that's what makes it interesting! Strange we could use it for 30 more than 40 years and it's only now becoming an issue. That said, Thank you, Jodi, for your revision and remarks. I agree that the "FSU" in the headdress should be equally hard to reproduce and is contrary to their statement about need for redesign, but if they're willing to put it there, and if revision is inevitable, I would, at least, go for that. Your explanations make sense if change must come. And your artwork is sooooo much better than the Nike version. That artwork is atrocious! Thank you for all your hard work.

Unknown said...

This is the logo redesign for FSU, thank you Jodi for changing your outrage to a solution!

Bike Enthused - Beer Infused said...

nailed it. But we should still keep the original

MaryLizMoody said...

Wonderfully subtle refinements which all have a great rationale. Thank you for this effort, and you are a wonderful reflection of what FSU is really about.

MaryLizMoody said...

Wonderfully subtle refinements which all have a great rationale. Thank you for this effort, and you are a wonderful reflection of what FSU is really about.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Scarymar said...

While it is very pleasing to look at the logo without FSU very closely resembles the Washington Redskins. Sadly here in SW Florida it is easily mistaken and I for one do not want to appear as a Redskins fan.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Unknown said...

If this new nonsense is to be the future face of FSU Athletic merchandise, a black market with the true logo will surely spring up almost overnight.

Wiggs said...

Here are the people who you need to email to get this to happen:
Jeanette De Diemar Associate VP for University Relations/Integrated Marketing and Communications
Ellen Cole Director of University Marketing and Brand Services
Tony Archer Director of Creative Services
Wonderful job!

Alton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Very Nice! only suggestion would to be to put FSU on the feather button on the side of the head. love it, keeping it original

Alton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Robert McLaws said...

At low resolution, it looks great. At high resolution, it is easy to see many flaws in your design that would continue to make it difficult to embroider.

Unknown said...

Loved your proposed logo idea! I agree that it should be kept close to the original look. Very masculine and strong. As an FSU Alumni I would be proud to wear and show your logo instead of the one released (which is very cartoonish like). Thank you!!!! Great job. Let's help promote this idea guys! I will be sharing your post.

Jules said...

As a fellow design and fellow alumni member, I agree. The new logo is no bueno!

Unknown said...

YES, YES, YES...a million times, yes. and thank you SO much for giving a mention to the story behind the original logo, something that the athletic department did not have the decency to do in their press release, which i found to be, in a word, disgraceful. are they planning to let nike compose a new fsu fight song too??? here's to professor tommie wright.

Robby said...

Nicely done! Someone at FSU needs to listen up!

Anne R. said...

Soooo much better! Thank you for doing, Seminole nation! SEE THIS!!! and ACT!!!

Melissa said...

Great job! Not an FSU Student or Alum but several friends have attended and I hate what "Nike" proposed, the seminole story is a beautiful one and they should definitely try to preserve the logo as closely as possible to what it has always been.

Unknown said...

Very nice and subtle redesign. I like it. Hate the new Chief Walmart.

Unknown said...

This should be the new design. I hope we can get the administration to have a "new Coke" moment and scrap the cartoon from Nike in favor of this.

Brilliantly Simple Tour said...

I agree with Joe... I too thought of the being a Coke like moment.....

This new design would have been great... not necessarily needed but not Bad. i like that this comes from within rather than from NIKE!! never disliked NIKE but .... this makes me not want to buy NIKE ever again...

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you. THANK YOU!

Nic said...

Well, this is Nike's design so, maybe Under Armour? Adidas? Reebok?

Anonymous said...


The original, through illustration alone, depicts an image of the mighty war chant that united a tribe who refused to surrender. The new one looks like an entitled brat throwing a temper tantrum.

Anonymous said...


Joe G. said...

Jodi Slade - WOW - is really good at what she does. I used to work for Medtronic and I have an appreciation for her work.

However, on the finer points of this topic, she is wrong. Her proposed update is not significantly different to the untrained eye, like mine. And I and my untrained eye represent 99.9% of the fan base. We are point-one percenters.

But I like this Jodi Slade person a LOT, and I was a student of David Kirby, the finest writing professor in Florida State history. My opinion is very important - just not on the level of her opinion.

Joe Gunter, Point one percenter
Class of '82

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

I agree with you Jodi...No Change is preferable...that being said...Thank You for creating a potential solution!!!

Amber Davidson said...

finally someone who understands that you don't need to completely redesign a whole logo to appeal to people. like what you did with it because you understand the preservation of the original design but add to it a newer look that compliments the changes among the university. I say we use your logo and let everyone know that your contribution represents FSU proudly. Go Noles!

Unknown said...

Nice modification - however, it does not say FSU or Florida State anywhere, how about the FSU at the top of the feather (as was included in the new logo)

Unknown said...

Very well done. This should even make Nike happy. Less stiches in the feather and logo. If they must change and get away from " Tradition " then change to something less radical and more like our current Seminole logo, Also a true illustrator designed this, not a third grader like the proposed last one.

Unknown said...

I like it. the only thing I might change or add is it should have the word "state" somewhere.

Jessica said...

THIS is what a re-design should be. I agree with just leaving the whole thing alone, but you've addressed all the University's "concerns" in such a beautiful, classy way that represents our school with the respect of our traditions. Please try to get in contact with someone to submit your idea before it's too late!

trcosby said...

Figure out how to tweak the feather just a bit so you can add "Florida State" to it. In a font that will transfer easily of course. I started the petition that is about to reach 10000 signatures on I already emailed Elizabeth Maryanski your design. Try to do that and repost here on your page. I will then send it to Elizabeth and the spokesman for the Seminole Tribe. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I like this more than the proposed Nike logo.

I also disagree with those who want the word "State" or "Florida State" on the logo. The lack of words actually makes it more timeless and universal, in my opinion.

Very nicely done.

Unoleiam said...

Some of my best friends are white guys from NY! Seriously, I think people say that because the skin tone is white and the model is rumored to be a white guy. TDO Ensley interviewed the artist and dispelled the myth. Next thing you know people will say the nose looks Jewish-you see what you want to see.

Unoleiam said...

Seconded J man!

Heather said...

I agree with your design thoughts and love your logo idea!

Unknown said...

Hi Jodie, Very interesting and I'm glad I came upon your blog. I totally agree with your justification and re-draw. We have a connection since I am a graduate and was an Illustrator at FSU (pre-computers) for about 6 years in early 70's. I'm going to send you an email as I have a little insight as to the original logo.

Unknown said...

I see no reason for changes to be made. However I think the changes the university is proposing are ridiculous. I believe your design is much better than theirs and should seriously be considered if a change has to be made

Unknown said...

This is absolutely amazing. i've tried to share everywhere i could.

Unknown said...

Absolutely fantasitc! Much, MUCH better than the logo proposed. Please someone push this hard.

Patrick Heaton Boston said...

BRAVO! I hope people involved in the decision at FSU review your suggestion and realize there is no shame in taking a step back, realizing the good intentions sometimes don't go as planned, and see there is honor in a take two that uses fan/not only commercial input... that is leadership. Proud of this Alumna and her approach.

Unknown said...

Nice Job!

My Life said...

You are awesome! Your version of the logo is so much better than the 'new' one and a lot clearer with perfect coloring than of the old one. Kudos to you!

Anonymous said...

Very nicely done. Now how to we go about convincing the "powers-that-be" to select your design (if they must change it at all) and not to go ahead with the Nike logo for which I'm sure they've spent big bucks?

Damon Morales said...

Nike is failing BIG time in their re-designs. Most notably in the NFL with those terrible Jacksonville Jaguars helmets and more recently with the Buccaneers new uniforms and their digital clock meets pirate motif. As a designer myself, I've been shaking my head at what they are putting out and it's a shame that with such a big name like Nike, they are putting out such small time work. Your re-design looks great and it just tweaks what it broken while keeping in line with FSU tradition. Their version looks like clipart. Don't let Nike ruin another team!

Unknown said...

Ms. Slade. That is an OUTSTANDING design. As much as I like it, as do thousands now, it ain't gonna happen for us. Just got the FSU notice in the email tonight with their "explanations". Translation: "We paid Nike to redesign our logo. Here it is. Get over yourselves. Oh, and Go Noles!" Question for you, though, based upon some prevailing logic being touted by some out there. I fully disagree, but some say your design "doesn't do what we need it to do"...[It] mixed aesthetic styles in a way that doesn't look cohesive." Your professional opinion on what "FSU's goals are with this "thing"? Keep up the good work!

Andrew McDonald said...

I'm very impressed Jodi. Great job not only on the logo design itself, but your analysis of the other proposed design and the original design are very accurate an logical. Very proud of you and hope to see your logo on the 50-yard line!

A-Mac's Success Blog

Unknown said...

dadgum great

Alex of All Trades said...

Great job Jodi! Your design brilliantly captures the traditional logo, while nicely blending in modern updates. Now it is up to the rest of our Seminole Nation to get this to the right people. We will not be happy with that commercialized crap! Someone with connections needs to show this to BOBBY BOWDEN! Come on 'Noles!

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

This is so much better. Simple tweaks yet stays true to old design. Perfect.

Paul said...

University administrators are not known generally for their appetite for contrasting opinion or uninvited opinions. They also often swoon before authority and ten year out of date "cool" Nike is pretty compelling as an authority and their offering is super dated.
Which would make an about-face unlikely but also very impressive. I think you adhered to the brief and to the tradition. I still do not understand the original (retained by you) eye-lid outline squiggle, but I don't need to - it is just how that part of the face has been represented. The short hair on the new guy is silly too. The new thing is cartoon where glyph is more appropriate.

Hope you prevail in this. (In all other things: GO GATORS!) :^)

Unknown said...

AS a 1987 Alum - Jodi is right on the mark with her logo. I just hope Nike does not hire her for twice what FSU is paying her and then buries her and her design to save face.

glaze said...

Tommy Wright, a musician, is the profile. I don't know his heritage but that's who the original artist said he modeled after.

Unknown said...

Great Job Jodi! I too am a graphic designer In Tallahassee, PRDesign, and an alumna. The new logo is very amateurish, looks like Nike got an intern to put the new logo together for FSU no thought to concept or history of the organization. Shame on the University Administrators responsible for this debacle.

glaze said...

I imagine she whipped it together (still doing a better job representationally) to get the image out while people are still discussing their dislike for the new guy. I'm sure she would take the time to create a high resolution image if it was adopted as the new logo.

Leslie Anne Tarabella said...

If the university were to let the alumni vote between your redesign and the Nike redesign, I predict yours would win by over 90%.

I actually think yours is even better than the 1971 original.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jodi for taking the time effort and initiative to create your version of our beloved FSU logo. It is hard to use sufficient superlatives to describe how much better your design is as compared to the one currently proposed. I hope those with the power to make the decision will swallow their pride and reconsider. Well done.

Unknown said...

This is the redesign I was expecting, not Nike's constipated Elvis.

KWeaver14 said...

This is probably the most intelligent thing ever written. Well done, Jodi!

Unknown said...

I love this SO much! I can easily get behind this logo if it must change at all. This is hands-down the best redesign I've seen, and that includes my own (mine, on Tomahawk Nation, was similar in that it used many elements of the original, but incorporated more elements of the new logo). This is superb. Outstanding.

Unknown said...

I love this SO much! I can easily get behind this logo if it must change at all. This is hands-down the best redesign I've seen, and that includes my own (mine, on Tomahawk Nation, was similar in that it used many elements of the original, but incorporated more elements of the new logo). This is superb. Outstanding.

Kelly Warren said...

Great job, both in the slight redesign and in the explanation around it.

Unknown said...

This is phenomenal. While I love the old traditional logo for obvious nostalgic reasons, I could get used to this one very quickly. Aesthetically, I like it better than the old one, and of course, both are far, far, far better than the school's proposal. I love this. Great work!

Unknown said...

Love it!

Unknown said...

Fantastic work, Jodi. Your comments were thoughtful and well articulated. Having done artwork based on the original design and experienced the approval process to get it endorsed and authorized I was surprised by the acceptance of the proposed design. I seriously hope the University considers this design.

Unknown said...

Fantastic work, Jodi. Your comments were thoughtful and well articulated. Having done artwork based on the original design and experienced the approval process to get it endorsed and authorized I was surprised by the acceptance of the proposed design. I seriously hope the University considers this design.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your expertise and your Committment.

Unknown said...

Much more visually appealing. Well done!

Steve J said...

PERFECT!!! Kills the 04/02/2014 release.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Dear Jodi,
I Too am an Alumni/Student here at Florida State University! I Love my Seminoles! I Do Bleed Garnet and Gold! Just ask our mutual friend Cat.
I hope that you won't mind me using your redesign version of Oceola! I am trying to put it on both ends of a 10'×2' banner with the words in between saying ............... "Vote for Jodi Slades Rendition of OUR Logo!"

There will also be another Banner saying "I Go To FSU NOT the university of Nike!"

Please if you have a problem with this contact me back ASAP! God Bless a nd GO SEMINOLES!

Unknown said...

Looks awesome great job and I completely agree with u. That's a logo change I could get behind.

Hasani87 said...

I'd imagine that most of the feedback will come from those who don't like the new logo. I do -- well, at least see it as an improvement. I've always felt that the head on the old one was the most unattractive thing about depictions of FSU, in addition to it being ethnically inaccurate, even to the point of disrespect. I typically choose the interlocking FS when I have a choice. I know the Seminole Tribe is involved in these changes, and I wonder how they REALLY feel about the symbol being white, if in fact, the reason they are our symbol is to honor who they are and the unconquered spirit they represent. For the symbol to be a closer ethnic representation of the people that were trying to displace them flies in the face of honor, in my opinion. If we were going to make less than subtle changes, then how was this overlooked? That being said, comparing the two, the new one looks more strong and virile, as opposed to looking like his arthritis is killing him. The symbol of our athletic teams shouldn't look like he can be pushed out of his wheelchair and left for dead. The fact is that what's traditional to us wasn't traditional when it was implemented. The current jerseys aren't 20 years old and the previous uniform isn't 40 years old. The original colors were purple and gold. Tradition is about our spirit, not the transient aesthetic symbols of it. I, for one, embrace the redesign to the extent they were willing to go with it, but they should've gone farther.

Alton said...

Excellent update, Jodi. You treated the original as the classic it is. A classic is new every morning, while nothing is as old as yesterday's newspaper... or last year's sport shoes.

When you're lucky enough to have a classic working for you, as Florida State is, the first thing to do is to trust it.

I voiced my support to the university. I hope your approach wins out.

Alton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alton said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alton said...

Bravo, Ms Slade! You treated the original design as the classic that it has become. A classic is new every morning, while nothing is as old as yesterday's newspaper... or last year's fashion sports shoes.

I have voiced my support to the university. I hope your approach wins out.

Unknown said...

It all comes down to money. When I was at FSU, you could only get licensed products at school...nothing was really available pre-national championships. It was one of the 3 hardest college licenses for manufacturer's to purchase. Now you can purchase everything with the Seminole head on it, and we're having to change it, so it's easier to reproduce. Your redesign I right on target, but limiting the reproduction would ease the burden of a redesign, and maintain our Seminole. Now we're letting a University of Oregon founded company change our beloved mascot and make it mainstream. I worked in licensing for the Olympic Committee, and it never worked when too many designers got involved. Nike needs to keep designing uniforms, not logos. I'm actually surprised the feather didn't look like a swoosh!

Unknown said...

While at the game on Saturday, just after the first couple of minutes of play, I decided it was time to hang my Banners from the railings where I sit....I had no sooner unrolled The Banner "I Go to FSU NOT NIKE UNIVERSITY!" when a female FSU Police officer was coming up bleacher stairs yelling for me to take it down...I had just finished taping it off when she arrived and Told Me That I Had To "Take DOWN The Banner!" I asked her about my right to freedom of speech and my right to assemble...Her remark was it is not allowed here in the stadium..It is posted where you enter: "NO POSTERS OR SIGNS ARE ALLOWED!" (I have never seen these postings)..... Anyway after letting her know that I was not going to take them down, but if I did could I keep them? She said "NO"!!! She was very nice and respectful in all of her actions having to deal with me and the other disabled fans in my section, however, when she finished ripping down the nike univ. banner she then confiscated the banner that said "Vote for Jodi Slade's Version of OUR LOGO!"
I got very upset with this, but I did keep my cool...I did not lash out, nor did I get physical... Both would have been the wrong and STUPID move! I guess in looking back, I should have waited until halftime and gotten my fellow wheelchair Buddies to help me roll around up on the walkways dividing the sections of lower and higher seating... Maybe TRUE FANS would have had a better opportunity to have seen the banners before the cops could have chased us... That would have been fun! HAHAHA....
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I am Sorry for Failing To Get The Banner with Your Better Version of OUR LOGO Seen!
Keep Fighting The GOOD Fight! GO SEMINOLES! GO Garnet & Gold! WAR CHANT FOREVER!
Gator Hater #56...................

Carson Howse said...

From a former design student also, THANK YOU THANK YOU. Geez I hope this gets noticed and picked up.


Unknown said...

You did a fantastic job incorporating both the University's concerns over production values and the fans' concerns over retaining the spirit and tradition of the original, all while keeping in mind the one group we need to have at the forefront: The Seminole Tribe of Florida. It is paramount that we retain and foster the relationship we have with the Tribe. You have done this and more with your proposal.

Unknown said...

Feed the Flame I say! Your logo was so good and subtle...what FSU did was not "subtle" as they are's completely different! HELLO what world are they in?!?!? We have a right to say what we think and I think what they did was WRONG! When I looked at yours, for a moment I thought, "what is different" and then I saw the feather and the war paint...nicely done. that is how you make a change better!!! Keep pushing, maybe just maybe we can turn this New Coke into Classic! Fear the Spear! >>>----->>

Unknown said...

White America has taken their land, and their culture. They have been vilified in TV and movies. There are many Native American nations who have been wiped off the face of this earth. Has it ever occurred to any of you FSU fans that you are discussing the face of a real group of people? This is not a tiger or a panther or an eagle. Native Americans are not mascots. They are nations of people with unique cultures. And please don't give me that nonsense about the Seminoles approving your mascot. They do not speak for all Native Americans. Be educated people of the 21st century, give up the Seminole mascot. I graduated from a university that did give up their Native American mascot, and while many alumni and students complained, everyone got over it, and most came to see that it was the right thing to do. How can a state university that is supposed to be educating people continue to support this obvious racism. Please do not answer this e-mail unless you are a Native American who knows how it feels to be treated as less than human.


Unknown said...

As an old-timer I was upset when they took the state of FLA off our helmets and replaced it with that dumb spear. Those shiny gold pants that Burt bought really pissed me off and I thought the spirit spear was the dumbest thing I ever saw even though I believe I personally lit it to the top several times all by myself. I liked savage sam and proudly had the decal on the back of my car all through my days on campus. When the Seminole head logo first came out I didn't like it either and was shocked that the media embraced it as Bobby made us relevant in college football.
But jeesh people things change, times are different its just a logo. I love my FSU no matter whats on the freaking helmet.
I don't care if his teeth are showing or not Im still going to follow my team win or lose.
Thats what NOLES do.


Trinyan Mariano said...

Great redesign! As FSU professor, I'm embarrassed of the proposed new design. Your revisions will, I hope, be welcome!

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...
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